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Faster Launch, Faster Shutdown/Windows 98 Second Edition

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No one likes to wait around for their computer to boot up, especially when they're dying to start using it or need to close one program and move on to something else. But thanks to Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition's Maintenance wizard and performance enhancements, you can get:

  • Faster system start up
  • Faster application start up
  • Faster system shut down
Here's why
  • Faster Starts A tidy computer starts faster and runs more efficiently. Windows 98 Second Edition keeps computers clean with the Maintenance wizard's scheduled clean-up tasks. One of these tasks, Disk Defragmenter, rearranges data on your computer's hard disk by placing all the files associated with a given program in the same location. When you use Disk Defragmenter regularly, especially in combination with the FAT32 utility, your computer can locate and open your programs faster, because it doesn't have to search all over the disk for what it needs. Click here to find out more about the Maintenance wizard and the Disk Defragmenter.
  • Faster Shutdown Computers running Windows 98 Second Edition shut down faster, due to a new default shutdown protocol. In Windows 95, the system's device drivers are uninitialized (making them no longer ready to work) before the system shuts down. In Windows 98 Second Edition, on the other hand, when the system shuts down, the device drivers are left in the ready-to-work state. So shutdown happens faster. It's sort of like pulling the plug on a radio while it's playing. The music stops abruptly. When you plug the radio back in, it begins playing, tuned to the station as you left it.