Windows Update/Windows 98 Second Edition
Microsoft™ Windows™ Update is the online
extension of Windows 98 Second Edition
that keeps your Windows 98 Second Edition-based computer tuned and updated.
At the heart of Windows Update is
a software catalog called Product Updates. When you click the
Product Updates link, Windows Update automatically scans your computer
to determine which software might be useful to you. There's no need
to be concerned about privacy--the check is performed completely within
your computer, so no information leaves your computer. At the end of
the check, Windows Update provides a list of software that you can
select and download. The uninstall feature allows you to easily
delete items later, if you want.
At Windows Update, you can find:
- Product updates and enhancements
- Service packs
- System files
- Device drivers
- Information about security updates
- New Windows 98 Second Edition features
If you're running Windows 98
or Windows 98 Second Edition now,
Windows Update.