Disk-Image Copying of Microsoft Windows Operating SystemsDownload the Disk Image Copying whitepaper below for information that administrators need to know about implementing Microsoft™ Windows™ operating systems using copied disk images. Specifically, this paper details Microsoft's policy on and the caveats and technical challenges of installing systems using this method of installation. Download the document now, or first read the overview information below on this page: Download this document in Microsoft Word format About the Image
Preparation Tool for Windows 98 The tool is available for customers enrolled in a Microsoft Open, Select, or Enterprise agreement, and it works like this: You create a standard desktop setup with all of your system and application settings, then run the Windows 98 Image Preparation Tool. This tool lets you create a Windows 98 image (including applications) that you can copy using any third-party disk imaging software that supports long filenames. Once you create the master image, you can copy it to another machine. Windows 98 automatically detects changes in the hardware and adjusts the configuration to fit the new hardware. Pricing and
availability In addition, any Microsoft Certified Solution Providers at the Partner Level may obtain a license separately to use the System Preparation tool on behalf of Microsoft customers with volume licensing agreements. |