Mo' Better DVD
Thanks to built-in support on Windows 98, DVD technology is set to follow in the footsteps of the CD-ROM. You're on an airplane, about an hour into a painfully long coast-to-coast flight, and the in-flight movie is no help. What is it this time: Revenge of the Beach Blanket Bodyguards? Even if the flick looks mildly interesting, you can't see the movie screen over the backs of the seats. So, what are you to do? If you brought your laptop, the solution is just a few clicks away. With Windows 98, you can now watch a full-length movie of your choice on your computer. One DVD-23
CDs "The main thing with DVD is that it has an incredible amount of storage capacity," explains Kim Akers, product manager at Microsoft's Windows 98 group. "Each DVD holds the equivalent of 23 CD-ROMs." If DVD sounds familiar, perhaps that's because the technology has been touted for some time as the "next big thing." In 1996, one computer magazine headlined a story about a computer trade show with "DVD Takes Comdex By Storm." The storm turned out to be more of a sprinkle. Only about 300,000 DVD video players are currently in use. Movies just the
start Akers believes that DVD growth will go the route of traditional CDs and CD-ROMs: first used as an entertainment medium (in this case, for watching films) and later used as the standard in game distribution. Finally, software makers will sell applications on DVDs. Many titles now
available Game makers are also taking advantage of DVD's storage capacity. With DVD, gamers don't need to swap disks in the middle of the action, as they do with some CD-ROM games. And first-generation DVD games will feature added complexity, full-motion video, and surround-sound audio. Encarta package
on DVD In addition, the DVD edition of Encarta is loaded with extras. "[The DVD product] has 40 percent more videos and 40 percent more of what we call 360-degree views. You'll also find better video quality, and cleaner audio files that sound better, " says Major. "Windows 98 will put finally put DVD on the map." |