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Top 10 improvements

#7  Error messages that actually help you
Shed a quick tear because you'll never see the "http error 404: Page Not Found" message again. In fact, many of the cryptic error messages and script errors have been revamped in Internet Explorer 5 so you now get useful information at the time you need it most. These messages even have suggestions for what you can do to fix the problem.

#6  Support for multiple connections
picture of Connection dialog box Heavy-duty surfers often have multiple connections to the Net, through an ISP, a corporate network, or other online service. Internet Explorer 5 makes the transition smooth and seamless. No more switching proxy settings by hand. Just choose the connection you want and Internet Explorer automatically uses the settings that work.

#5  Sort and search your History list
Don't get tangled up trying to retrace your steps on the Web. Internet Explorer 5's new History features can help you find the site you are looking for. In addition to viewing a list of pages you've visited by date, you can now sort the list in order of most visited to least visited, or sort it by site. If you still can't spot the page you are looking for, click the Search button and type in a word or phrase. Internet Explorer finds pages in your History list that match.

picture of History bar

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