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  Learn more about the people behind the bylines.

Mark Reed

Mark Reed (contributing writer from S&T OnSite), between trips to the mountains or to far-flung foreign lands, can usually be found glued to the Internet at his home in Seattle.

Molly Dempsey

Molly Dempsey (contributing writer from S&T OnSite) developed a passion for the Internet in 1994, and has worked on the Web ever since. She lives in Seattle with her husband, son, and two dogs.

Gordon Black

Gordon Black (contributing writer from S&T OnSite) has followed bear tracks for National Public Radio and put up tents in mid-winter for Outside magazine. Now he enjoys giving you the inside track on Windows.

Susan Hutton

When not writing about Windows 98,
Susan Hutton (contributing writer from
S&T Onsite
), can be found at home writing poetry and working on home repair and remodeling projects.

George Legge

George Legge (contributing writer from Volt Services) The former news reporter got hooked on computers after programming his Commodore 64 to print "Hello!" in endless streams across the monitor. He telecommutes from the Bellingham, WA area.

Sean Moriarity (contributing writer from Volt Technical) is a recent graduate of the University of Washington, where he wrote news, features, music reviews, and more for the school's award-winning student newspaper, The Daily.

Gayle Picken is a freelance writer who telecommutes from her home on an island in the Puget Sound. She's been writing about operating systems since well before the turn of the millenium.