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Back to College with Windows 98

September 2, 1998

College. Independence. Your parents have pulled away and left you world champion of a room the size of a bathtub, rubbernecking around the bunk beds for a glimpse out the window. The first thing you learn in college? It's all about space.

One machine for work and play with Windows 98
You know you need a computer for your studies, but when your fancy turns from algorithms and 19th century English lit to late night TV or computer games with fireballs and bad guys who don't play fair, you can turn your computer into a total entertainment center by using the new technologies in Windows 98. With a TV tuner card, Windows 98 lets your monitor pick up broadcast, cable, or satellite television. Say you're wrapping up your poli sci paper, and you need to know what the pundits say about the latest political story being bandied about the airwaves. WebTV's Program guide lets you find exactly what you need.

You can search:

  • by program
  • by subject
  • by time
  • by actors

so you don't have to slog through the entire TV program guide. You can zip directly to what you need.

Watch TV while you work
Windows 98 lets you watch while you work. Catch the latest from NASDAQ or watch the 49ers game in the corner of your screen while you're surfing the Net, checking e-mail, or adding the final details to your lab report. WebTV is designed for desktop viewing: it gives you crystalline sound and images no matter how large or small you make the TV viewing window.

Windows 98 also supports Digital Video Disc (DVD) Technology so you can watch full-length movies on your monitor using the latest DVD technology.

Windows 95 laid the pipe; Windows 98 pumps it up
While older operating systems tended to feel skittish and might have stuttered or crashed under the strain of demanding software, Windows 98 runs faster and with more stability. It makes other operating systems feel slothful by comparison--especially for users who like to game. Windows 98 has integrated the best new technologies like USB and AGP into its system rather than merely supporting them, and this makes a huge difference when you sit down to play. Imagine your computer is a battlefield. With older operating systems, you had to waste an infantry of your computer's CPU--its brain--on merely translating your game for your operating system, which cut into the forces that could run and make the most of it. Windows 98 lets you rally the entire army to give you better graphics and sound, and quicker response.

And Windows Update makes it easy for Windows 98 users to get the newest technology, like DirectX 6.0, to keep your machine on the cutting edge.

Internet Explorer: It works with you, not against you.
And when you're using the Internet to research a paper you've put off far too long, this means a lot. Internet Explorer 4.0 works like an extension of yourself with intuitive new features like AutoComplete, which anticipates URL addresses you've already visited when you're re-typing them and completes the address for you so you can get on with the business of getting there. Or if you're ferreting facts and subjects on the Net, use the history button to organize your sources into an easy-reference outline once you're ready to write your paper.

Learn more about ways Windows 98 can help you ease into academic life.