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Free, personalized e-mail? MSN Hotmail delivers!

by Mark Reed

Hotmail imageFree e-mail services are multiplying on the Web faster than the latest electronic chain letter. Even your favorite celebrity or rock band probably offers a free Web-based e-mail account, but for the best features and the most reliable service, use MSN Hotmail�.

Hotmail is fast, easy to use, and accessible from any computer with Internet access�and it's completely free! It�s perfect for staying in touch with friends and family when you are traveling, sending personal e-mail while you are work, or using as a backup if your regular e-mail service is down. Plus, Hotmail is sure to be around long after the latest band has disappeared into the "where-are-they-now?" file.

Access your e-mail from anywhere
If you have an e-mail account through your Internet service provider, checking your e-mail from the road can be a major chore. To log on from anywhere but home, you usually need to know the name of your incoming mail server, then you have to configure the computer you are using to recognize the server, set up a new user profile on the computer�s e-mail program, and finally, depending on where you are, dial long distance or even make an international phone call.

With a Hotmail account, you can easily send and receive e-mail messages using any computer that is connected to the Internet�from home, work, school, the library, an Internet caf�, a friend's house�at any time, anywhere in the world. All you need is an Internet browser like Internet Explorer 5. To log on, you simply go to the Hotmail home page, type in your user name and password, and you�re in! No special e-mail software is required.

Your e-mail Inbox appears in a Web page where you can read, store, and compose messages. Since your private mail is stored on Hotmail�s secure servers, your Inbox is always current, no matter when or where you log on.

The more things change, the more they stay the same
Any time your e-mail address changes�whether you move, switch Internet service providers, change jobs, or graduate from school�you risk losing touch with your associates and missing out on important e-mail. Create a Hotmail account, and your e-mail address stays the same, unless you choose to change it. Instead of continually notifying your friends, family, and colleagues of your latest e-mail address, you can use your Hotmail account to keep them apprised of your future plans.

Powerful e-mail tools
Hotmail provides a number of great features for creating personalized, unique, and professional-looking messages. For instance, you�ll find a built-in spellchecker, dictionary, and thesaurus to add meat to your online missives. Select �Rich Text Format,� and you can specify font style, size, and color; background colors; and special formatting like bullets, headings and indents. You can even attach files to your messages or create a customized signature to append to your outgoing mail. The list of features goes on:

  • Integration with Outlook Express 5: Create a new Hotmail account, download and send mail from your Hotmail Inbox, store Hotmail messages on your local disk drive, and use powerful editing tools�all from within Outlook Express.
  • Customizable mail handling: Set up filters and create folders for different types of e-mail messages.
  • McAfee Virus Scan: Automatically scan any attached files you receive for harmful viruses.
  • WebCourier: Have the latest Internet content delivered to your Inbox from a variety of categories, such as news, health, entertainment, and gaming.
  • MSN Calendar: Manage your schedule, keep track of appointments and tasks, and coordinate with friends.

Get started today!
Setting up a new Hotmail account only takes a few minutes. Simply go to the Hotmail home page, choose from one of seven languages in which Hotmail is available, fill out a short form, agree to the Terms of Service, and you�ll be ready to go. You�ll have instant access to all of Hotmail�s great services, and the convenience of Web-based e-mail. Best of all, it's free of charge.


Mark Reed
Mark Reed
couldn't help setting up an extra e-mail address at

More great services from MSN Hotmail:
It's more than just free e-mail. When you sign up for MSN Hotmail, you'll automatically get a Microsoft Passport. Your Passport consists of two services:

  • single sign-in service that allows you to use a single name and password at a growing number of participating Web sites.
  • A wallet service that you can use to make fast online purchases.

More information:
There are many more ways to stay in touch using your Hotmail account. Read more in the Using Windows article Messenger Service 2.2 and Hotmail; passport to the world.