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WebTV for Windows

Watching TV on your computer is an odd concept to wrap your mind around. But if you install a TV tuner card in your computer, that's what WebTVTM for Windows lets you do.  (Need help installing Web TV?  See Turn Your Computer Into a TV to learn how.)

What is WebTV?
WebTV for Windows runs just like any other Windows-based feature on your desktop. And as with any other feature, you can adjust the size of its window. You can also run other software applications simultaneously. For example, you can watch the 49ers game in the corner of your screen while you catch up on e-mail. Or if you find watching TV too distracting, you can cover the WebTV window with another window, or minimize it and just listen to the audio while you're working on something else.

WebTV for Windows also lets you tap into a component that regular television can't offer: Interactive TV. Television shows can now include interactive content along with their regular broadcasts--such as video and audio clips, or games or trivia questions about the program. You can even enter chat rooms where you can converse with people who are watching the same television show as you. (Want to find out more about chat rooms? See Using Microsoft Chat for Internet chatting to learn more. )  You can do all of this in real time, all while you watch the regular broadcasts on a screen that looks something like this:

Saturday Night Live screen

What's on?
WebTV's online Interactive Program Guide tells you all you'd learn from a printed television guide, but it lets you view and use the information in new ways.

For example, if you want to watch the TV show Nightly News, just type "Nightly News" in the Interactive Program Guide's search window. The guide tells you what time the show is playing and on what channel. You can set a viewing reminder for yourself, and when it's time for the show, the Interactive Viewing Guide reminds you, or lists an alternate viewing time.

You can also search for programs by type, subject, actors, or time so you can find what you want without having to slog through the entire program guide. And the Interactive Viewing Guide is personalized according to your zip code and cable provider.

Internet content over the airwaves
In addition to bringing cable or broadcast programming directly to your computer, with the help of your TV tuner card, WebTV can download information from the Internet without using a telephone line.

Using the same technology that makes cell phones work, your computer can pick up information from the Internet. And you don't need to be connected to the Internet when you want to view the information, because it's already on your computer.

For more information, visit our WebTV product guide site.


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*WebTV for Windows