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Windows Media Player: a stream runs through it

by Gordon Black

Woman wearing headphones. You've already said goodbye to long waits for audio and video content to download. Now say hello to higher quality sound and vision using the Windows Media Player.

With it, you can tune in to the World Series, view movie clips, groove to music, and digest multi-media presentations that incorporate text, graphics, and audio.

The best part is that you don't have to concern yourself with the technicalities of the files: the media player can handle most anything you want to hear or see. It uses a technology called streaming that allows you to listen to and view material almost instantly.

The player handles the most common media formats, from MP3 to WAV. It also plays back RealNetworks' audio and video formats up to version 4. 

There are even controls built in allowing you to adjust the volume and locate particular points on an audio or video track. Media creators who incorporate markers allow you to zip to a predetermined location by clicking the marker buttons on the control window. It's handy for whizzing to the important parts of the boss' presentation on the company intranet. And for added effect, you can take a video clip from a company intranet and resize it to full screen. (On normal phone-line connections, the enlarging causes a loss of clarity.)

In control
The control window also shows the URL (Web address) of the site where the multi-media material originated, allowing you to easily jump to the Web page in one click. You can also add any clip (audio or video) to your Favorites folder, just as you would a preferred Web site.Media Player screen shot.

Ready to go sample? A great place to find multi-media to play on the Windows Media Player is the Web Events site, which features film clips, news footage, chat shows and lots of radio stations from around the world. A convenient link to this site is found in the upper-right corner of the media player window.

Stream to you
The key to receiving audio and video files is a technology called streaming. It works by sending multi-media files down the wires to your computer. The quality of the video you'll see and the sound you'll hear is dependent on the capacity of those wires to carry digitized info. It's like having a two-inch water pipe versus a half-inch pipe. You can still water the garden with the smaller pipe, but the larger pipe allows you to do a much more efficient job. With computer connections, the capacity is measured in kilobits of data per second. The higher the number, the greater the quality.

Most home connections are at either 28.8 kilobits per second (Kbps) or 56.6 Kbps, though new technology such as cable modems, have greatly increased the capacity of home connections.

Let it detect
In the recent past, producers of streaming content asked you to select your connection type (28.8, 56.6Kbps etc). Now with the newest version of the Windows Media Player, content producers can choose to let the media player automatically detect the optimal capacity of your connection. When they opt to do so, it will simplify your process of downloading audio and video from Web sites. (Some producers may choose not to use this feature; in those cases you'll still have to pick your connection type.)

As you may know, the volume of other traffic on the Internet can affect the quality of streamed audio and video. This sometimes causes the audio to break up and even completely interrupt the flow of material, making for a disappointing experience.

Go with the flow
The new Windows Media Player alleviates these kinds of disruptions by adjusting the flow of streamed content to the capacity available. For example, if you're connected at 100 Kbps and heavy Internet traffic will affect a flow of this volume, the Windows Media Player will step down the stream to the next level to maintain an even flow of content. This helps avoid the staccato-like problems of trying to keep up a heavier stream when there is not the capacity to do so. If space frees up on the connection, Windows Media Player returns the stream to the highest flow possible.

The consistency and quality of video is also improved with filtering that cleans up shadows and block-like images that affect the quality of the video pictures you're viewing.

Perhaps the best part of the enhanced features of the Windows Media Player is that it comes at a low cost to your computing power. It won't hog your computer's memory by taking forever to download files. The player itself is free to users.

Gordon Black

Come July, Gordon Black's computer will be processing daily video clips from the Tour de France.

Grab a free player
The Windows Media Player incorporating all the features described at right is currently in a beta version. Beta releases are the last development stage of software prior to being officially unveiled. A final version, which may differ slightly from the beta, will be released in coming weeks.

You can download the beta version of the media player free from the Windows Media Player Download site.
Download Windows Media Player

Ready to go sample? Check out the Web Events site.

Web Events Radio