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Sign off with style

A mother deserves a "love you" at the end of an e-mail, but that won't work for an e-mail to your boss. Outlook Express 5 offers multiple ways for automatically signing off your messages, according to whom the message is going. It even allows you to include HTML files as signatures.

To append a sign-off automatically to your messages:

  1. From Outlook Express, on the Tools menu, click Options.
  2. Click the Signature tab, and then click New.
  3. Below Edit Signature, select Text and type your signature note. Or, select File and specify a file you wish to be attached to your messages.
  4. Repeat the steps above for more signatures, which are automatically named in sequence. To rename your signatures, click each one, click Rename, and then type the name.
  5. Select the desired signature from the ones you have created to set as your default, and then click Set As Default.

Filter incoming mail

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*Sign off with style

Filter incoming mail

Split your identities

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